Is Being Called Bestie a Sign That You’re Friendzoned?

  • What does it mean when a girl calls you bestie, or best-friend?
  • Is being called bestie a sign that you’re friendzoned?
  • Is calling someone bestie flirting?
  • And is it possible to renegotiate things, and to get out of the friend zone at this point?

Well, let’s find out, if a girl calls you bestie are you friendzoned, and what can you do about it.

Table of Contents

If a girl calls you bestie, are you friendzoned?

Unfortunately, YES.

It’s a hard pill to swallow. But it is the cold truth.

It is so frustrating. To be treated as a bestie, after all that we’ve done for her, and after all that we would be willing to do for her.

I think it happened to all of us. At least once in our lives.

  • We helped her out many times, while being kind to her.
  • Spent a long period of time near to her, being a great company.
  • Maybe even listened to her long stories.
  • Have been there when she was facing hard times.
  • And have always been a great supportive hand when she needed help.

We simply wanted to show her, how great of a person, we truly are.

And here comes the day, when she’s calling us her bestie, or her best-friend.


Plus, seeing her with someone else, who can’t even take care of her that well, breaks our heart even more.

It can be so painful and disappointing.

I know exactly.

Related: Am I in the Friend Zone Quiz

So. What does it mean when a girl calls you bestie?

Is being called bestie a sign that you're friendzoned

When a girl calls you bestie means that you’ve spent too much time being a nice guy, and now she doesn’t know how to let you know that she’s not attracted to you, in a polite way, that won’t hurt your feelings.

Also, there is another chance that she doesn’t want to “lose” your companionship, since you are a great support for her.

  • You might be a great listener.
  • You might be the one who helps her with her homework, projects, or work tasks.
  • Or maybe you help her to repair her broken laptop, or carry heavy things every once in a while.

You are a kind person with a big heart.

And there is nothing wrong with being a kind person, don’t get me wrong.

But how could she actually offend or hurt your feelings, when you are this kind to her?

Unfortunately, when a girl calls you bestie, she just doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, and she wants to play it in a polite way.

Because being a bestie only means, that she isn’t looking at you as a potential partner, but rather as a great friend.

  • That is the harsh truth.
  • That is the bestie friendzone”.
  • And that is the reality, that you’ll have to digest.


Is calling someone bestie flirting?

We would definitely like to hear that if a girl calls you bestie, then she’s flirting with you. Unfortunately she’s not.

When girls are flirting, they are usually making it pretty clear that they like you. They would find ways to be around you, and to meet with you. When a girl calls you bestie, she’s making it clear that she wants to be friends with you (only).

Is it possible to renegotiate things and to get out of the friend zone?

is being called bestie friendzoned

YES, it is possible to get out of the friend zone, BUT, it is not going to be easy.

I’m going to be straight forward with you for a moment.

Since she already labeled you as a nice guy, it is going to be hard to change the way she looks at you.

Unless you find the courage, and finally make it man to woman.

That’s the first step.

But don’t expect her to jump into your laps right away.

She needs time to process your intentions, and you need time to actually become that person, who truly means it.

Because, as the law of attractions states it:

You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.

It has to be a DEEP CHANGE on a core level.

  • It’s not enough to just say it.
  • It’s not enough to just let her know your intentions.
  • If your words are not aligned with your actions, she WILL be able to sense it.

And that’s why ultimately you have to BECOME, rather than just state it, and wait for miracles to happen.

if a girl calls you bestie are you friendzoned

So, is being called bestie a sign that you’re friendzoned? YES, unfortunately it is.

And is it possible to renegotiate things? YES, it’s possible to get out of the friend zone, but it’s a relatively harder task to do, and you’ll have to be prepared, that it takes a longer time. Also, you have to be willing to put in the work, and to truly become that person, who won’t be treated as a bestie or a best friend anymore.

Thank you for being here and reading through.

If you’re still not sure how to get out of the friend zone, then get a free copy of my PDF training down below.

how to get out of the friend zone

A step-by-step training about how to get out of the friend zone and how to attract her for real.

It’s a step-by-step training, explaining exactly how you can get out of the friend zone and attract her for real. You can get instant access to it by simply subscribing to my newsletter.

Until next time.

Take care.

Thomas Kallos Find Your Ideal Partner

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  1. I know this is truly boring and you are skipping to the next comment, but I just wanted to throw you a big thanks – you cleared up some things for me!

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